Training Video

Doing Business with Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB)

Doing Business with Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB)

Learn about doing business with the United States Air Force. This training focuses on the mission of the United State Air Force as well as different commands within the Air Force. Provides insight on how the Air Force buys goods and services, when they buy and how your business can find opportunities that meet their core capabilities.

Doing Business with Wright Patterson AFB

Doing Business with Wright Patterson AFB

Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) is the largest federal buyer of goods and services in the state of Ohio. Learn the basics of how WPAFB buys, what they buy and how you can prepare your business for success.

Federal Contract Pricing from a Small Business Perspective and Getting Paid Through WAW

Federal Contract Pricing from a Small Business Perspective and Getting Paid Through WAW

Federal Contract Pricing from a Small Business Perspective:
High level training on fundamentals of federal contract pricing. Learn about regulations used in determining contract pricing as well as considerations for developing a pricing strategy for your business.

Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF) – The Basics You Need to Know to Get Paid
This webinar will give a high level overview of some of the basic steps small businesses with Federal contracts need to know when submitting their invoices for payment. Learn about some of the fundamental aspects of the DFAS electronic invoicing system to help ensure small businesses receive prompt payment after the completion of their contract.

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