Training Video

Doing Business with Boeing

Doing Business with Boeing

Learn the basics of what Boeing buys and how your business can position themselves to become a subcontractor.

Doing Business with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & Dept. of Energy (DOE)

Doing Business with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & Dept. of Energy (DOE)

Learn about doing business with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Energy. This training focuses on the different departments within those agencies and how your business may fit into their missions. Discover how to research opportunities for your business and receive information on how DOE and EPA buy goods and services to meet their missions.

Doing Business with NASA

Doing Business with NASA

Learn the basics on how and what NASA buys. Receive guidance on how to find opportunities with NASA and determine whether the Agency is a fit for your business.

Doing Business with Ohio Departments of Natural Resources and Rehabilitation & Correction

Doing Business with Ohio Departments of Natural Resources and Rehabilitation & Correction

Both the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction (ODRC) are two of the largest buyers of goods and services for the state of Ohio. Join this webinar to learn more about how you can do business with ODNR & ODRC. This training will also focus on how to best approach ODNR & ODRC for information on contracting opportunities. A Q & A session will follow. Webinar presenters include – Patrick Means, Agency Procurement Officer, Office of Budget and Finance, ODNR; Jennifer Conway, Procurement Sourcing Supervisor, ODRC; and Richard Clark, MBE Coordinator, ODRC.

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